M. Sc.

M. Sc.

We are essentially involved in several masters belonging to 2 mentions: Biology Agronomy Health (BAS) mention and particularly BioVIGPA (Integrative plant biology : gene, plant, agrosystem) and Plant Technologies and Production (ProTEV) and Masters from the Biodiversity Ecology and Environment (BEE) mention and particularly EFCE (Functional, behavioral and evolutionary ecology), MODE (Modelling in ecology) and PNB (Natural patrimony and biodiversity)

IGEPP is involved in educational programs offered by UFR SVE at the University of Rennes 1 and by AGROCAMPUS OUEST.

Masters from the Biology Agronomy Health(BAS)

  • BioVIGPA (Integrative plant biology : gene, plant, agrosystem)

The main objective of this specialty is to give students an integrative view of plant sciences and their agronomical, biotechnological and agro alimentary applications through a multidisciplinary and modular approach.

Contacts: Alain Bouchereau et Maria Manzanares-Dauleux

Joint Master between University of Rennes 1 - AGROCAMPUS OUEST.

  • ProTEV (Plant Technologies and Production)

Contact: Christine Bissuel

Joint Master between University of Rennes 1 - AGROCAMPUS OUEST.

Masters from the Biodiversity Ecology and Environment(BEE)

  • EFCE (Functional, behavioral and evolutionary ecology)

Contact: Denis Poinsot

Joint Master between OSUR - AGROCAMPUS OUEST.

  • MODE (Modelling in ecology)

Contact: Frédéric Hamelin

Joint Master between OSUR - AGROCAMPUS OUEST.

  • PNB (Natural patrimony and biodiversity)

Contact: Anne-Marie Cortesero

Joint Master between OSUR - UFR SVE


Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 24 September 2012 | By: IGEPP