Theses defended in 2020

Theses defended in 2020

In this folder

The Brassica napus seed microbiota: assemblage, transmission and contribution to plant response to a soilborne fungal pathogen

Plant root exudates as new bio-control products against nematodes.

Effect of microbial partners on biotic interactions of their insect hosts: behavioral approach of symbiotic associations

Identification of the genetic and molecular determinants controlling seed yield stability in winter oilseed rape

Identification of the genetic and molecular determinants controlling seed yield stability in winter oilseed rape

Ecological interactions and biological control: how to improve aphid control in protected strawberry crops

Study of action mode of defense elicitors in the pathosystem Potato / Phytophthora infestans

Characterization of cryptic species in two complexes of species belonging to the genus Globodera including the quarantine species Globodera pallida.

Mechanisms of fertility restoration in allotetraploïd rape, brassica napus L.