

At local level, the team closely works with pathologists, epidemiologists, entomologists, population geneticists and ecologists from other IGEPP teams, as well as with IGEPP technical platforms (CRB-BraCySol, Experimental facilities, GOGEPP, P2M2) and INRAE experimental units (UE La Motte, UE RGCO).

At the national level, the team has long-term established academic and socio-economic partnerships, including especially INRAE Dijon (biological and genomic resources, field plat-form), INRAE Avignon (Solanaceae genetics), INRAE sequencing and genotyping platforms INRAE Networks (« CRB », « Genius », « BAP Pulses »), French pulse and potato breeders (GSP, ACVNPT) and technical Institutes (FN3PT, Terres Inovia, Arvalis Institut du Végétal). The teams co-lead is and is involved in “l’Unité Mixte Technologique” (FN3PT-INRAE) Innoplant2 ( and participates in the laboratoire commun Terres Inovia-INRAE.

At the international level, the team has especially developed long-term French-American collaborations on root diseases of legumes and European partnerships on potato genetics.

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 23 August 2021 | By: IGEPP