

BrACySol Biological Resource Center


The BrACySol Biological Resource Center belongs to the national network of Plant Biological Resource Centers. It maintains and characterizes genetic resource collections of different cultivated species: Brassica (cabbage, turnip, rapeseed and mustard), Allium (shallot, garlic), Cynara (artichoke) and Solanum (potato and related species). These collections contain different type of material that can be distributed, on request, to our network partners, to the national or international scientific community, to breeders, or to the public.

  • The BrACySol Biological Resource Center belongs to the national network of plant BRC and to the network of BRC from Brittany.
  • The BrACySol Biological Resource Center takes part in the European ECP/GR network (Allium, Brassica and Potato working groups).
  • The BrACySol Biological Resource Center has obtained the IBISA certification.


International Research Network (IRN) - Polyploidy and Biodiversity (POLYDIV)

The aim of the IRN PolyDiv is to extend and formalize previous interactions among scientists from 7 countries (FR, USA, UK, BE, SE, CH, CZ) and 8 internationally recognized partner teams with complementary expertise on various aspects of polyploidy, in the fields of ecology, genetics, cytogenetics, (epi)genomics, modelling and bioinformatics. Comparative approaches will be performed across a broad set of appropriate models to determine how general are the particular biological responses to Whole genome duplication (WGD) and the ecological and adaptive consequences of polyploidy in a rapidly changing environment, for both ecological and agronomical contexts. The project will enable us to analyze the short- and long-term consequences of polyploidy, by addressing the following questions:

  1. How do newly formed polyploid species manage to increase their fertility?
  2. What are the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated genes and genomes over various evolutionary timeframes?
  3. What are the processes driving diploidization in polyploids?
  4. What is the effect of polyploidy on the evolution of reproductive systems?
  5. What are the ecological consequences of polyploidy in terms of tolerance to environmental constraints, adaptation to novel ecological niches and their impact on the evolution of new functions?

 Collaborations, reciprocal visits, organization of international meetings and summer schools are planned. Young researchers and students are involved in this network, which thus will have an important international educational impact.


‘Plant Genome Dynamics and Evolution’ network (Dynagev)

The Workshop Series DynaGeV (Dynamique des Génomes Végétaux) covers all aspects of plant genome dynamics, from the molecular and/or evolutionary mechanisms responsible for gene and genome changes to their consequences in terms of phenotypic diversification, speciation or domestication. Our network meets once a year in France for a free conference where PhD students, Post-Doc fellows and scientists from abroad are mostly welcome.


REacTION network (Réseau d’échange sur les mécanismes Epigénétiques qui façonnent les interacTIONs Plantes – Bioagresseurs et Organismes Symbiotiques)

The transverse scientific and technical network REacTION (Exchange Network on Epigenetic Mechanisms Shaping Plant-Pathogen and Symbiotic Organism Interactions) aims to promote and enhance research on epigenetic regulations, by i) setting up tools for sharing and exchanging information on the topic (mailing list and website http://www6., ii) training in techniques associated with the detection and analysis of epigenetic marks iii) organizing meetings and colloquia to promote scientific communication ( and iv) bringing out cross-cutting themes for writing collaborative projects. The network, created in 2014 is funded since 2016 by the INRAE Plant Health and Environment Department and is coordinated by Isabelle Fudal (BIOGER), Nadia Ponts (MYCSA), Gaël Le Trionnaire (IGEPP-EGI) and Mélanie Jubault (IGEPP- DEBI).

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 20 January 2022 | By: IGEPP