
BrACySol Biological Resource Center

The BrACySol Biological Resource Center maintains and characterizes genetic resource collections of different cultivated species: Brassica (cabbage, turnip, rapeseed and mustard), Allium (shallot, garlic) and Solanum (potato and related species). These collections contain different type of material that can be distributed, on request, to our network partners, to the national or international scientific community, to breeders, or to the public.

The BrACySol Biological Resource Center manages three species specific national networks: the ‘Cole Crops’ network, the ‘Brassica oilseed crops’ network, and the potato network. Private stakeholders contribute to these networks.

The BrACySol Biological Resource Center belongs to the national network of plant BRC and to the network of BRC from Brittany.

The BrACySol Biological Resource Center takes part in the European ECP/GR network (Allium, Brassica and Potato working groups).

The BrACySol Biological Resource Center has obtained the IBISA certification.





Experimental facilities

serres bracysol

Brassica accessions are conserved as seeds in freezers. Seed production is performed in the field or in greenhouses. Seed batches are renewed every 10 – 15 years, according to the germination rate of the seeds.

Allium accessions are conserved as bulbs and Solanum accessions as tubers or in vitro plantlets. All these accessions are vegetatively propagated in the field, in greenhouses, on a platform and/or in vitro.

Cryopreservation facilities are also available. 

EspècesChampSerres et plateformeLaboratoireStockage
Brassica3200m27500 m2-12 congélateurs, 1 cryocontainer
Allium500 m2250 m2-Magasin : 120 m2
Solanum2 ha1500 m23 Chambres
de culture in vitro
Chambres froides : 950 m3
1 cryocontainer
3 cellules : 87 m2

Species Brassica

Number of accessions: Coles, 1 050 accessions;

Rapeseed, 3 700 accessions



Species Allium

Number of accessions: 480 accessions



Species Solanum

Number of accessions: 13 400 accessions



SecureBracysol: Improvement of the securing process of the Brassica and Solanum collections in the BrACySol BRC (funded by GIS IBISA)

  • WP1: Cryopreservation of potato accessions
  • WP2: Cryopreservation of Brassica accessions
  • WP3: Molecular fingerprinting of the potato varieties present in the collections
  • WP4: Analysis of the genetic drift in the Brassica populations

LDPot: Linkage disequilibrium analysis in potato (funded by metaprogramme SELGEN)

The objective of this project is to investigate LD patterns in potato by analysing a collection of breeding lines originating from different research programs.

Modification date : 25 April 2024 | Publication date : 04 March 2013 | Redactor : IGEPP