
The i5K project genome insect

The i5K project    


Context and Isues

  • This project aims at sequencing genomes of some insect species that play key roles in agroecosystems: pests and auxiliaries
  • This takes place within the international initiative of iK5 aiming at leveraging funds and proposing good practices for sequencing 5,000 genomes of Arthropods
  • This project is driven on behalf of two French scientific networks, one devoted to aphids and related organism (BAPOA) and one devoted to lepidoptera and related organism (Adalep)
  • This project is collaborative with the BGI (genome sequencing) and the 1KITE initiative (for transcritomes)


  • The aims is to sequence, assemble and annotate the genome of four insect species: the two pests Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (phylloxera) et Spodoptera littoralis(cotton leafworm), and two parasitoids Aphidius ervi (parasitoid of aphids) and Hyposoter didymator (parasitoids of noctuids). People responsible for these genome projects are Nathalie Volkoff (H. didymator), Claude Rispe and François Delmotte (D. vitifoliae), Yannick Outreman and Marylène Poirié (A. ervi), Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly (S. littoralis).

See http://www.spe.inra.fr/Toutes-les-actualites/i5K-genomes-insectes (in french)



DNA extraction from homozygous individuals. Sequencing (NGS) and assembly performed by BGI. Annotation using RNA-Seq data.

 Main Results



  • Rennes, UMR, IGEPP, INRA – Agrocampus-Ouest – Univ. Rennes1, coordinator.
  • Montpellier, UMR  DGIMI, INRA
  • Bordeaux, UMR SAVE, INRA
  • Sophia-Antipolis, UMR ISA, INRA
  • BGI, China
  • 1KITE, Germany


Funding and Support

  • INRA
  • BGI
  • 1KITE

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 06 May 2013 | By: IGEPP