

IGEPP is composed of 8 research teams, 6 technological platforms and 1 support team.

  • DEBI Team: Diversity, Evolution and genomics of Biotic Interactions
  • DEMECOLOGY Team: Dynamics, Evolution, Modelling, Ecology
  • EGI Team: Ecology and Genetics of Insects
  • EGPMB Team: Ecology and Genetics of Plant(s) - Microbiota - Bioagressors Interactions 
  • MIR Team: Multi-Infections and Multi-Résistances
  • MVI Team: Sustainable Novel Crop Material
  • RCA  Team: Yield under Abiotic Challenges
  • RD Team: Resistance and Durability
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Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 24 September 2012 | By: IGEPP