

Articles since 2010 (update january 2021)

Ben-Sadoun S., Rincent R., Auzanneau J., Oury F. X., Rolland B., Heumez E., Ravel C., Charmet G. & Bouchet S. (2020). Economical optimization of a breeding scheme by selective phenotyping of the calibration set in a multi-trait context: application to bread making quality. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(7), 2197-2212 DOI

Chaudron C., Perronne R., Bonnin P. & Rattier T. (2020). An agro-environmental mowing regime favors the number of inflorescences and flower-visiting insects but not ground beetles of herbaceous boundaries of arable fields. Basic and Applied Ecology, 48, 1-10. DOI

Houngbedji T., Dessaint F., Nicolardot B., Perronne R. & Gibot-Leclerc S. (2020). Abundance of Rhamphicarpa fistulosa in rainfed lowland rice fields in the Savannah region of Togo: Moderate influence of physico-chemical characteristics of soils. Weed Research, on line, 7. DOI

Le Campion A., Oury F.-X., Heumez E. & Rolland B. (2020). Conventional versus organic farming systems: dissecting comparisons to improve cereal organic breeding strategies. Organic Agriculture, 10, 63-74. DOI

Robin M.-H., Bancal M.-O., Cellier V., Délos M., Felix I., Launay M., Magnard A., Olivier A., Robert C., Rolland B., Sache I. & Aubertot J.-N. (2018). IPSIM-Web, An Online Resource for Promoting Qualitative Aggregative Hierarchical Network Models to Predict Plant Disease Risk: Application to Brown Rust on Wheat. Plant Disease, 102(3), 488-499. DOI

Oury F.-X., Lasme P., Michelet C., Dubat A., Gardet O., Heumez E., Rolland B., Rousset M., Abecassis J., Bar L’Helgouac’h C. & Lullien-Pellerin V. (2017). Bread wheat milling behavior: effects of genetic and environmental factors, and modeling using grain mechanical resistance traits. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130(5), 929-950. DOI

Rolland B., Fontaine L., Mailliard A., Gardet O., Heumez E., Walczak P., Le Campion A. & Oury F. X. (2015). From selection to cultivation with the support of all stakeholders: the first registration in France of two winter bread wheat varieties after value for cultivation and use evaluation in organic farming systems. Organic Agriculture, on line: 1-9. DOI

Bordes J., Goudemand E., Duchalais L., Chevarin L., Oury F.X., Heumez E., Lapierre A., Perretant M.R., Rolland B., Beghin D., Laurent V., Gouis J., Storlie E., Robert O. & Charmet G. (2014). Genome-wide association mapping of three important traits using bread wheat elite breeding populations. Molecular breeding, 33(4): 755-768. DOI

Charmet G., Storlie E., Oury F.X., Laurent V., Beghin D., Chevarin L., Lapierre A., Perretant M.R., Rolland B., Heumez E., Duchalais L., Goudemand E., Bordes J. & Robert O. (2014). Genome-wide prediction of three important traits in bread wheat. Molecular breeding, 34(4): 1843-1852. DOI

Le Campion A., Oury F.X., Morlais J.Y., Walczak P., Bataillon P., Gardet O., Gilles S., Pichard A. & Rolland B. (2014). Is low-input management system a good selection environment to screen winter wheat genotypes adapted to organic farming? Euphytica, 199(1-2): 41-56. DOI

Muellner A.E., Mascher F., Schneider D., Ittu G., Toncea I., Rolland B. & Löschenberger F. (2014). Refining breeding methods for organic and low-input agriculture: analysis of an international winter wheat ring test. Euphytica, 199(1-2): 81-95. DOI

Loyce C., Meynard J.M., Bouchard C., Rolland B., Lonnet P., Bataillon P., Bernicot M.H., Bonnefoy M., Charrier X., Debote B., Demarquet T., Duperrier B., Félix I., Heddadj D., Leblanc O., Leleu M., Mangin P., Méausoone M. & Doussinault G. (2012). Growing winter wheat cultivars under different management intensities in France: A multicriteria assessment based on economic, energetic and environmental indicators. Field Crops Research, 125: 167–178. DOI

Oury F.X., Godin C., Mailliard A., Chassin A., Gardet O., Giraud A., Heumez E., Morlais J.Y., Rolland B., Rousset M., Trottet M. & Charmet G. (2012). A study of genetic progress due to selection reveals a negative effect of climate change on bread wheat yield in France. European Journal of Agronomy, 40(0): 28-38. DOI

Oury F.X., Chiron H., Faye A., Gardet O., Giraud A., Heumez E., Rolland B., Rousset M., Trottet M., Charmet G. & Branlard G. (2010). The prediction of bread wheat quality: joint use of the phenotypic information brought by technological tests and the genetic information brought by HMW and LMW glutenin subunits. Euphytica, 171(1): 87-109. DOI

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 06 December 2012 | By: IGEPP