General Presentation

Research at IGEPP

The objective of the IGEPP research unit is to describe, understand and predict the functioning of plants, their associated organisms and the agro-ecosystems, in order to contribute to the improvement of new plant protection methods taking into account sustainability, respect for the environment, and low input utilisation.

IGEPP studies plant adaptation to their biotic and abiotic changing environment. Approaches range from molecular and genetic studies of plant and associated organisms adaptation, to the development of new sustainable methods for plant protection and culture.

Studies are performed:

  • over  a  wide  range  of  spatio-temporal  scales,  from  gene  regulation  to  species  community,  and from  in vitro experiments to landscape experimental designs
  • on different crops (oilseed rape, pea, potato, wheat) and legumes (carrot, pea, cauliflower, cabbage, beetroot)
  • for a diverse number of associated organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, insects)

Expertise is diverse, covering genetics, genomics, cytogenetic, bioinformatics, biochemistry, plant physiology, population genetics, evolutionary biology, ecology, epidemiology, agronomy, statistics and modelling

8 Research teams

  • DEBI Team: Diversity, Evolution and genomics of Biotic Interactions
  • DEMECOLOGY Team: Dynamics, Evolution, Modelling, Ecology
  • EGI Team: Ecology and Genetics of Insects
  • EGPMB Team: Ecology and Genetics of Plant(s) - Microbiota - Bioagressors Interactions 
  • MIR Team: Multi-Infections and Multi-Résistances
  • MVI Team: Sustainable Novel Crop Material
  • RCA Team: Yield under Abiotic Challenges
  • RD Team: Resistance and Durability

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 01 March 2013 | By: IGEPP