Articles 2017

Articles 2017

Articles published in 2017

Adamczyk-Chauvat K., Delaunay S., Vannier A., Francois C., Thomas G., Eber F., Lode M., Gilet M., Huteau V., Morice J., Negre S., Falentin C., Coriton O., Darmency H., Alrustom B., Jenczewski E., Rousseau-Gueutin M. & Chevre A. M. (2017). Gene Introgression in Weeds Depends on Initial Gene Location in the Crop: Brassica napus-Raphanus raphanistrum Model. Genetics, 206(3), 1361-1372. DOI

Jahier J., Coriton O., Deffains D., Arnaud D. & Chalhoub B. (2017). Revisiting meiotic pairing in wheat synthetics in relation to the evolution of the meiotic system in wheat. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303(9), 1311-1316. DOI

Keller J., Rousseau-Gueutin M., Martin G. E., Morice J., Boutte J., Coissac E., Ourari M., Aïnouche M., Salmon A., Cabello-Hurtado F. & Aïnouche A. (2017). The evolutionary fate of the chloroplast and nuclear rps16 genes as revealed through the sequencing and comparative analyses of four novel legume chloroplast genomes from Lupinus. DNA Research, 24(4), 343-358. DOI

Martin G., Carreel F., Coriton O., Hervouet C., Cardi C., Derouault P., Roques D., Salmon F., Rouard M., Sardos J., Labadie K., Baurens F. C. & D’Hont A. (2017). Evolution of the Banana Genome (Musa acuminata) Is Impacted by Large Chromosomal Translocations. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(9), 2140-2152. DOI

Montes E., Coriton O., Eber F., Huteau V., Lacape J. M., Reinhardt C., Marais D., Hofs J. L., Chèvre A. M. & Pannetier C. (2017). Assessment of Gene Flow between Gossypium hirsutu and Gossypium herbaceum: Evidence of Unreduced Gametes in the Diploid Progenitor. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 7(7), 2185-2193. DOI

Pasquariello M., Ham J., Burt C., Jahier J., Paillard S., Uauy C. & Nicholson P. (2017). The eyespot resistance genes Pch1 and Pch2 of wheat are not homoeoloci. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130(1), 91-107. DOI

Pelé A., Falque M., Trotoux G., Eber F., Nègre S., Gilet M., Huteau V., Lodé M., Jousseaume T., Dechaumet S., Morice J., Poncet C., Coriton O., Martin O. C., Rousseau-Gueutin M. & Chèvre A.-M. (2017). Amplifying recombination genome-wide and reshaping crossover landscapes in Brassicas. PLoS Genetics, 13(5), e1006794. DOI

Pelé A., Trotoux G., Eber F., Lodé M., Gilet M., Deniot G., Falentin C., Nègre S., Morice J., Rousseau-Gueutin M. & Chèvre A.-M. (2017). The poor lonesome A subgenome of Brassica napus var. Darmor (AACC) may not survive without its mate. New Phytologist, 213(4), 1886-1897. DOI

Roselli S., Olry A., Vautrin S., Coriton O., Ritchie D., Galati G., Navrot N., Krieger C., Vialart G., Berges H., Bourgaud F. & Hehn A. (2017). A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) genomic approach reveals partial clustering of the furanocoumarin pathway genes in parsnip. Plant Journal, 89(6), 1119-1132. DOI

Rousseau H., Rousseau-Gueutin M., Dauvergne X., Boutte J., Simon G., Marnet N., Bouchereau A., Guiheneuf S., Bazureau J. P., Morice J., Ravanel S., Cabello-Hurtado F., Ainouche A., Salmon A., Wendel J. F. & Ainouche M. L. (2017). Evolution of DMSP (dimethylsulfoniopropionate) biosynthesis pathway: Origin and phylogenetic distribution in polyploid Spartina (Poaceae, Chloridoideae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 114, 401-414. DOI

Rousseau-Gueutin M., Morice J., Coriton O., Huteau V., Trotoux G., Nègre S., Falentin C., Deniot G., Gilet M., Eber F., Pelé A., Vautrin S., Fourment J., Lodé M., Bergès H. & Chèvre A.-M. (2017). The Impact of Open Pollination on the Structural Evolutionary Dynamics, Meiotic Behavior and Fertility of Resynthesized Allotetraploid Brassica napus L. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 7(2), 705-717. DOI

Sochorová J., Coriton O., Kuderová A., Lunerová J., Chèvre A. M. & Kovařík A. (2017). Gene conversion events and variable degree of homogenization of rDNA loci in cultivars of Brassica napus. Annals of Botany, 119(1), 13-26. DOI

Stein A., Coriton O., Rousseau-Gueutin M., Samans B., Schiessl S. V., Obermeier C., Parkin I. A. P., Chèvre A. M. & Snowdon R. J. (2017). Mapping of homoeologous chromosome exchanges influencing quantitative trait variation in Brassica napus. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 15(11), 1478-1489. DOI