Articles 2011

Articles 2011

Articles published in 2011

Artacho P., Figueroa C.C., Cortes P.A., Simon J.C. & Nespolo R.F. (2011). Short-term consequences of reproductive mode variation on the genetic architecture of energy metabolism and life-history traits in the pea aphid. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57(7): 986-994. DOI

Bischoff A. & Tremulot S. (2011). Differentiation and adaptation in Brassica nigrapopulations: interactions with related herbivores. Oecologia, 165(4): 971-981. DOI

Boukhris-Bouhachem S., Rouzé-Jouan J., Souissi R., Glais L. & Hullé M. (2011). Transmission Efficiency of the Strain PVYNTN by Commonly Captured Aphids in Tunisian Potato Fields. Plant Pathology Journal, 10 (1): 22-28. DOI

Carolan J.C., Caragea D., Reardon K.T., Mutti N.S., Dittmer N., Pappan K., Cui F., Castaneto M., Poulain J., Dossat C., Tagu D., Reese J.C., Reeck G.R., Wilkinson T.L. & Edwards O.R. (2011). Predicted Effector Molecules in the Salivary Secretome of the Pea Aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum): A Dual Transcriptomic/Proteomic Approach. Journal of Proteome Research, 10(4): 1505-1518. DOI

Colbach N., Chauvel B., Darmency H. & Tricault Y. (2011). Sensitivity of weed emergence and dynamics to life-traits of annual spring-emerging weeds in contrasting cropping systems, using weed beet (Beta vulgarisssp. vulgaris) as an example. Journal of Agricultural Science, 149(06): 679-700. DOI

Dion E., Polin S.E., Simon J.C. & Outreman Y. (2011). Symbiont infection affects aphid defensive behaviours. Biology Letters, 7(5): 743-746. DOI

Dion E., Zélé F., Simon J.C. & Outreman Y. (2011). Rapid evolution of parasitoids when faced with the symbiont-mediated resistance of their hosts. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(4): 741-750. DOI

Dubois A., Remay A., Raymond O., Balzergue S., Chauvet A., Maene M., Pecrix Y., Yang S.H., Jeauffre J., Thouroude T., Boltz V., Martin-Magniette M.L., Janczarski S., Legeai F., Renou J.P., Vergne P., Le Bris M., Foucher F. & Bendahmane M. (2011). Genomic Approach to Study Floral Development Genes in Rosa sp. PLoS ONE, 6(12): e28455. DOI

Goubault M., Cortesero A.M., Paty C., Fourrier J., Dourlot S. & Le Ralec A. (2011). Abdominal sensory equipment involved in external host discrimination in a solitary parasitoid wasp. Microscopy Research and Technique, 74(12): 1145-1153. DOI

Hamelin F.M., Castel M., Poggi S., Andrivon D. & Mailleret L. (2011). Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites. Ecology, 92(12): 2159-2166. DOI

Hervé M. (2011). GrapheR: a Multiplatform GUI for Drawing Customizable Graphs in R.The R Journal, 3/2: 45-53.

Hornoy B., Tarayre M., Hervé M., Gigord L. & Atlan A. (2011). Invasive Plants and Enemy Release: Evolution of Trait Means and Trait Correlations in Ulex europaeus. PLoS ONE, 6(10): e26275. DOI

Jaquiéry J., Broquet T., Hirzel A.H., Yearsley J. & Perrin N. (2011). Inferring landscape effects on dispersal from genetic distances: how far can we go? Molecular Ecology, 20(4): 692-705. DOI

Josso C., Moiroux J., Vernon P., van Baaren J. & van Alphen J. (2011). Temperature and parasitism by Asobara tabida(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) influence larval pupation behaviour in two Drosophila species. Naturwissenschaften, 98(8): 705-709. DOI

Kollmann M., Minoli S., Bonhomme J., Homberg U., Schachtner J., Tagu D. & Anton S. (2011). Revisiting the anatomy of the central nervous system of a hemimetabolous model insect species: the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Cell and Tissue Research, 343(2): 343-355. DOI

Lacroix C., Glais L., Verrier J.L., Charlier C., Lorencetti C. & Jacquot E. (2011). Impact of tobacco recessive resistance gene va on biological properties of Brazilian Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates. Plant Pathology, 60(6): 1048-1054. DOI

Lacroix C., Glais L., Verrier J.L. & Jacquot E. (2011). Effect of passage of a Potato virusY isolate on a line of tobacco containing the recessive resistance gene va(2) on the development of isolates capable of overcoming alleles 0 and 2. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 130(2): 259-269. DOI

Le Guigo P., Qu Y. & Le Corff J. (2011). Plant-mediated effects on a toxin-sequestering aphid and its endoparasitoid. Basic and Applied Ecology, 12(1): 72-79. DOI

Le Lann C., Outreman Y., Van Alphen J.J.M. & Van Baaren J. (2011). First in, last out: asymmetric competition influences patch exploitation of a parasitoid. Behavioral Ecology, 22(1): 101-107. DOI

Le Ralec A., Ribulé A., Barragan A. & Outreman Y. (2011). Host range limitation caused by incomplete host regulation in an aphid parasitoid. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57(3): 363-371. DOI

Lebouvier M., Laparie M., Hullé M., Marais A., Cozic Y., Lalouette L., Vernon P., Candresse T., Frenot Y. & Renault D. (2011). The significance of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands for the assessment of the vulnerability of native communities to climate change, alien insect invasions and plant viruses. Biological Invasions, 13(5): 1195-1208. DOI

Lu H.L., Tanguy S., Rispe C., Gauthier J.P., Walsh T., Gordon K., Edwards O., Tagu D., Chang C. & Jaubert-Possamai S. (2011). Expansion of Genes Encoding piRNA-Associated Argonaute Proteins in the Pea Aphid: Diversification of Expression Profiles in Different Plastic Morphs. PLoS ONE, 6(12): e28051. DOI

Pierre P.S., Dugravot S., Ferry A., Soler R., van Dam N.M. & Cortesero A.M. (2011). Aboveground herbivory affects indirect defences of brassicaceous plants against the root feeder Delia radicumLinnaeus: laboratory and field evidence. Ecological Entomology, 36(3): 326-334. DOI

Pierre P.S., Jansen J.J., Hordijk C.A., van Dam N.M., Cortesero A.M. & Dugravot S. (2011). Differences in Volatile Profiles of Turnip Plants Subjected to Single and Dual Herbivory Above- and Belowground. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37(4): 368-377. DOI

Poelman E.H., Zheng S.J., Zhang Z., Heemskerk N.M., Cortesero A.M. & Dicke M. (2011). Parasitoid-specific induction of plant responses to parasitized herbivores affects colonization by subsequent herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(49): 19647-19652. DOI

Simon J.C., Boutin S., Tsuchida T., Koga R., Le Gallic J.F., Frantz A., Outreman Y. & Fukatsu T. (2011). Facultative Symbiont Infections Affect Aphid Reproduction. PLoS ONE, 6(7): e21831. DOI

Simon J.C., Pfrender M.E., Tollrian R., Tagu D. & Colbourne J.K. (2011). Genomics of Environmentally Induced Phenotypes in 2 Extremely Plastic Arthropods. Journal of Heredity, 102(5): 512-525. DOI

Tricault Y., Fealy R., Colbach N. & Mullins E. (2011). Towards an optimal management regime to facilitate the coexistence of GM herbicide tolerant and non-GM oilseed rape. European Journal of Agronomy, 34(1): 26-34. DOI

Vialette-Guiraud A.C.M., Alaux M., Legeai F., Finet C., Chambrier P., Brown S.C., Chauvet A., Magdalena C., Rudall P.J. & Scutt C.P. (2011). Cabomba as a model for studies of early angiosperm evolution.Annals of Botany, 108(4): 589-598.

Violle C., Bonis A., Plantegenest M., Cudennec C., Damgaard C., Marion B., Le Coeur D. & Bouzillé J.B. (2011). Plant functional traits capture species richness variations along a flooding gradient. Oikos, 120(3): 389-398. DOI