Articles 2018

Articles 2018

Articles published in 2018

Batut B., Hiltemann S., Bagnacani A., Baker D., Bhardwaj V., Blank C., Bretaudeau A., Brillet-Gueguen L., Cech M., Chilton J., Clements D., Doppelt-Azeroual O., Erxleben A., Freeberg M. A., Gladman S., Hoogstrate Y., Hotz H. R., Houwaart T., Jagtap P., Lariviere D., Le Corguille G., Manke T., Mareuil F., Ramirez F., Ryan D., Sigloch F. C., Soranzo N., Wolff J., Videm P., Wolfien M., Wubuli A., Yusuf D., Taylor J., Backofen R., Nekrutenko A., Gruning B. & Galaxy Training N. (2018). Community-Driven Data Analysis Training for Biology. Cell Systems, 6(6), 752-758. DOI

Blaix C., Moonen A. C., Dostatny D. F., Izquierdo J., Le Corff J., Morrison J., Von Redwitz C., Schumacher M. & Westerman P. R. (2018). Quantification of regulating ecosystem services provided by weeds in annual cropping systems using a systematic map approach. Weed Research, 58(3), 151-164. DOI

Boulain H., Legeai F., Guy E., Morlière S., Douglas N. E., Oh J., Murugan M., Smith M., Jaquiéry J., Peccoud J., White F. F., Carolan J. C., Simon J.-C. & Sugio A. (2018). Fast Evolution and Lineage-Specific Gene Family Expansions of Aphid Salivary Effectors Driven by Interactions with Host-Plants. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(6), 1554-1572. DOI

Cariou M., Ribière C., Morlière S., Gauthier J.-P., Simon J.-C., Peyret P. & Charlat S. (2018). Comparing 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing and hybridization capture for pea aphid microbiota diversity analysis. BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 461. DOI

Diesner M., Gallot A., Binz H., Gaertner C., Vitecek S., Kahnt J., Schachtner J., Jacquin-Joly E. & Gadenne C. (2018). Mating-Induced Differential Peptidomics of Neuropeptides and Protein Hormones in Agrotis ipsilon Moths. Journal of Proteome Research, 17(4), 1397-1414. DOI

Djoudi E. A., Marie A., Mangenot A., Puech C., Aviron S., Plantegenest M. & Pétillon J. (2018). Farming system and landscape characteristics differentially affect two dominant taxa of predatory arthropods. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 259, 98-110. DOI

Faure D., Simon J. C. & Heulin T. (2018). Holobiont: a conceptual framework to explore the eco‐evolutionary and functional implications of host–microbiota interactions in all ecosystems. New Phytologist, 218(4), 1321-1324. DOI

Gardarin A., Plantegenest M., Bischoff A. & Valantin-Morison M. (2018). Understanding plant–arthropod interactions in multitrophic communities to improve conservation biological control: useful traits and metrics. Journal of Pest Science, 91(3), 943-955. DOI

Gay S., Bugeon J., Bouchareb A., Henry L., Delahaye C., Legeai F., Montfort J., Le Cam A., Siegel A., Bobe J. & Thermes V. (2018). MiR-202 controls female fecundity by regulating medaka oogenesis. PLoS Genetics, 14(9). DOI

Gérard C., Hervé M. & Hechinger R. F. (2018). Long-term population fluctuations of the exotic New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum and its introduced aporocotylid trematode in northwestern France. Hydrobiologia, 817(1), 253-266. DOI

Giron D., Dubreuil G., Bennett A., Dedeine  F., Dicke M., Dyer L. A., Erb M., Harris M. O., Huguet E., Kaloshian I., Kawakita A., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Palmer T. M., Petanidou T., Poulsen M., Sallé A., Simon J.-C., Terblanche J. S., Thiéry D., Whiteman N. K., Woods H. A. & Pincebourde S. (2018). Promises and challenges in insect–plant interactions. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 166(5), 319-343. DOI

Grüning B., Dale R., Sjödin A., Chapman B. A., Rowe J., Tomkins-Tinch C., Valieris R., Köster J. & The BiocondaTeam (Bretaudeau A). (2018). Bioconda: A sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences. Nature Methods, 15(7), 475–476. DOI

Gschloessl B., Dorkeld F., Audiot P., Bretaudeau A., Kerdelhué C. & Streiff R. (2018). De novo genome and transcriptome resources of the Adzuki bean borer Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Data in Brief, 17, 781-787. DOI

Gschloessl B., Dorkeld F., Berges H., Beydon G., Bouchez O., Branco M., Bretaudeau A., Burban C., Dubois E., Gauthier P., Lhuillier E., Nichols J., Nidelet S., Rocha S., Saune L., Streiff R., Gautier M. & Kerdelhue C. (2018). Draft genome and reference transcriptomic resources for the urticating pine defoliator Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(3), 602-619. DOI

Guyomar C., Legeai F., Jousselin E., Mougel C., Lemaitre C. & Simon J.-C. (2018). Multi-scale characterization of symbiont diversity in the pea aphid complex through metagenomic approaches. Microbiome, 6(1), 181. DOI

Hervé M. R. (2018). Breeding for insect resistance in oilseed rape: Challenges, current knowledge and perspectives. Plant Breeding, 137(1), 27-34. DOI

Hervé M. R., Nicolè F. & Lê Cao K.-A. (2018). Multivariate Analysis of Multiple Datasets: a Practical Guide for Chemical Ecology. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 44(3), 215-234. DOI

Hrček J., Parker B. J., McLean A. H. C., Simon J.-C., Mann C. M. & Godfray H. C. J. (2018). Hosts do not simply outsource pathogen resistance to protective symbionts. Evolution, 72(7), 1488-1499. DOI

Huang W., Zwimpfer E., Hervé M. R., Bont Z. & Erb M. (2018). Neighbourhood effects determine plant–herbivore interactions below-ground. Journal of Ecology, 106(1), 347-356. DOI

Jaquiéry J., Peccoud J., Ouisse T., Legeai F., Prunier-Leterme N., Gouin A., Nouhaud P., Brisson J. A., Bickel R., Purandare S., Poulain J., Battail C., Lemaitre C., Mieuzet L., Le Trionnaire G., Simon J.-C. & Rispe C. (2018). Disentangling the Causes for Faster-X Evolution in Aphids. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(2), 507-520. DOI

Kamenova S., Leroux C., Polin S. E. & Plantegenest M. (2018). Community-wide stable isotope analysis reveals two distinct trophic groups in a service-providing carabid community. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 108(1), 130-139. DOI 

Kamenova S., Mayer R., Rubbmark O. R., Coissac E., Plantegenest M. & Traugott M. (2018). Comparing three types of dietary samples for prey DNA decay in an insect generalist predator. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(5), 966-973. DOI

Karp D. S., Chaplin-Kramer R., Meehan T. D., Martin E. A., DeClerck F., Grab H., Gratton C., Hunt L., Larsen A. E., Martínez-Salinas A., O’Rourke M. E., Rusch A., Poveda K., Jonsson M., Rosenheim J. A., Schellhorn N. A., Tscharntke T., Wratten S. D., Zhang W., Iverson A. L., Adler L. S., Albrecht M., Alignier A., Angelella G. M., Zubair Anjum M., Avelino J., Batáry P., Baveco J. M., Bianchi F. J. J. A., Birkhofer K., Bohnenblust E. W., Bommarco R., Brewer M. J., Caballero-López B., Carrière Y., Carvalheiro L. G., Cayuela L., Centrella M., Ćetković A., Henri D. C., Chabert A., Costamagna A. C., De la Mora A., de Kraker J., Desneux N., Diehl E., Diekötter T., Dormann C. F., Eckberg J. O., Entling M. H., Fiedler D., Franck P., Frank van Veen F. J., Frank T., Gagic V., Garratt M. P. D., Getachew A., Gonthier D. J., Goodell P. B., Graziosi I., Groves R. L., Gurr G. M., Hajian-Forooshani Z., Heimpel G. E., Herrmann J. D., Huseth A. S., Inclán D. J., Ingrao A. J., Iv P., Jacot K., Johnson G. A., Jones L., Kaiser M., Kaser J. M., Keasar T., Kim T. N., Kishinevsky M., Landis D. A., Lavandero B., Lavigne C., Le Ralec A., Lemessa D., Letourneau D. K., Liere H., Lu Y., Lubin Y., Luttermoser T., Maas B., Mace K., Madeira F., Mader V., Cortesero A. M., Marini L., Martinez E., Martinson H. M., Menozzi P., Mitchell M. G. E., Miyashita T., Molina G. A. R., Molina-Montenegro M. A., O’Neal M. E., Opatovsky I., Ortiz-Martinez S., Nash M., Östman Ö., Ouin A., Pak D., Paredes D., Parsa S., Parry H., Perez-Alvarez R., Perović D. J., Peterson J. A., Petit S., Philpott S. M., Plantegenest M., Plećaš M., Pluess T., Pons X., Potts S. G., Pywell R. F., Ragsdale D. W., Rand T. A., Raymond L., Ricci B., Sargent C., Sarthou J.-P., Saulais J., Schäckermann J., Schmidt N. P., Schneider G., Schüepp C., Sivakoff F. S., Smith H. G., Stack Whitney K., Stutz S., Szendrei Z., Takada M. B., Taki H., Tamburini G., Thomson L. J., Tricault Y., Tsafack N., Tschumi M., Valantin-Morison M., Van Trinh M., van der Werf W., Vierling K. T., Werling B. P., Wickens J. B., Wickens V. J., Woodcock B. A., Wyckhuys K., Xiao H., Yasuda M., Yoshioka A. & Zou Y. (2018). Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(33), E7863–E7870. DOI

Kim S. H., Mondet F., Hervé M. & Mercer A. (2018). Honey bees performing varroa sensitive hygiene remove the most mite-compromised bees from highly infested patches of brood. Apidologie, 49(3), 335-345.DOI

Lamy F., Dugravot S., Cortesero A. M., Chaminade V., Faloya V. & Poinsot D. (2018). One more step toward a push-pull strategy combining both a trap crop and plant volatile organic compounds against the cabbage root fly Delia radicum. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(30), 29868-29879. DOI

Lopez V., Cortesero A. M. & Poinsot D. (2018). Influence of the symbiont Wolbachia on life history traits of the cabbage root fly (Delia radicum). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 158, 24-31. DOI

Luquet M., Hullé M., Simon J.-C., Parisey N., Buchard C. & Jaloux B. (2018). Relative importance of long-term changes in climate and land-use on the phenology and abundance of legume crop specialist and generalist aphids. Insect Science, on line. DOI

Mauchline A. L., Hervé M. R. & Cook S. M. (2018). Semiochemical-based alternatives to synthetic toxicant insecticides for pollen beetle management. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 12(6), 835-847. DOI

Mone Y., Nhim S., Gimenez S., Legeai F., Seninet I., Parrinello H., Negre N. & d'Alencon E. (2018). Characterization and expression profiling of microRNAs in response to plant feeding in two host-plant strains of the lepidopteran pest Spodoptera frugiperda. BMC Genomics, 19, e804. DOI

Muneret L., Mitchell M., Seufert V., Aviron S., Djoudi E. A., Pétillon J., Plantegenest M., Thiéry D. & Rusch A. (2018). Evidence that organic farming promotes pest control. Nature Sustainability, 1(7), 361-368. DOI

Navasse Y., Derocles S. A. P., Plantegenest M. & Le Ralec A. (2018). Ecological specialization in Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) on aphid species from wild and cultivated plants. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 108(2), 175-184. DOI

Nouhaud P., Gautier M., Gouin A., Jaquiéry J., Peccoud J., Legeai F., Mieuzet L., Smadja C. M., Lemaitre C., Vitalis R. & Simon J.-C. (2018). Identifying genomic hotspots of differentiation and candidate genes involved in the adaptive divergence of pea aphid host races. Molecular Ecology, 27(16), 3287-3300. DOI

Ourry M., Lebreton L., Chaminade V., Guillerm-Erckelboudt A.-Y., Hervé M., Linglin J., Marnet N., Ourry A., Paty C., Poinsot D., Cortesero A.-M. & Mougel C. (2018). Influence of Belowground Herbivory on the Dynamics of Root and Rhizosphere Microbial Communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6(91). DOI

Outreman Y., Andrade T. O., Louâpre P., Krespi L., Violle C. & van Baaren J. (2018). Multi-scale and antagonist selection on life-history traits in parasitoids: A community ecology perspective. Functional Ecology, 32(3), 736-751. DOI

Poggi S., Le Cointe R., Riou J. B., Larroude P., Thibord J. B. & Plantegenest M. (2018). Relative influence of climate and agroenvironmental factors on wireworm damage risk in maize crops. Journal of Pest Science, 91(2), 585-599. DOI

Pollier A., Guillomo L., Tricault Y., Plantegenest M. & Bischoff A. (2018). Effects of spontaneous field margin vegetation on the regulation of herbivores in two winter crops. Basic and Applied Ecology, 27, 71-82. DOI

Raitif J., Plantegenest M., Agator O., Piscart C. & Roussel J.-M. (2018). Seasonal and spatial variations of stream insect emergence in an intensive agricultural landscape. Science of the Total Environment, 644, 594-601. DOI

Robertson H. M., Waterhouse R. M., Walden K. K. O., Ruzzante L., Reijnders M., Coates B. S., Legeai F., Gress J. C., Biyiklioglu S., Weaver D. K., Wanner K. W. & Budak H. (2018). Genome Sequence of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus, Representing an Early-Branching Lineage of the Hymenoptera, Illuminates Evolution of Hymenopteran Chemoreceptors. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(11), 2997-3011. DOI

Seimandi Corda G., Leblanc M., Faure S. & Cortesero A. M. (2018). Impact of flower rewards on phytophagous insects: importance of pollen and nectar for the development of the pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus). Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 12(6), 779-785. DOI

Seimandi-Corda G., Renaud D., Escande L., Larièpe A., Ollivier J., Faure S. & Cortesero A. M. (2018). Screening the variability in oilseed rape resistance to pollen beetle attacks in the field and assessment of biochemical biomarkers. Journal of Pest Science, on line. DOI

Sentis A., Bertram R., Dardenne N., Ramon-Portugal F., Espinasse G., Louit I., Negri L., Haeler E., Ashkar T., Pannetier T., Cunningham J. L., Grunau C., Le Trionnaire G., Simon J.-C., Magro A., Pujol B., Hemptinne J.-L. & Danchin E. (2018). Evolution without standing genetic variation: change in transgenerational plastic response under persistent predation pressure. Heredity, 121(3), 266-281. DOI

Simon J.-C. & Peccoud J. (2018). Rapid evolution of aphid pests in agricultural environments. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 26, 17-24. DOI

Sugio A., Ostergaard L. H., Matsui K. & Takagi S. (2018). Characterization of two fungal lipoxygenases expressed in Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 126(4), 436-444. DOI

Warneys R., Gaucher M., Robert P., Aligon S., Anton S., Aubourg S., Barthes N., Braud F., Cournol R., Gadenne C., Heintz C., Brisset M. N. & Degrave A. (2018). Acibenzolar-S-Methyl Reprograms Apple Transcriptome Toward Resistance to Rosy Apple Aphid. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9(1795). DOI

Wenger J. A., Cassone B. J., Legeai F., Johnston J. S., Bansal R., Yates A. D., Coates B. S., Pavinato V. A. C. & Michel A. (2018). Whole genome sequence of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, on line. DOI

Wolff J., Bhardwaj V., Nothjunge S., Richard G., Renschler G., Gilsbach R., Manke T., Backofen R., Ramírez F. & Grüning B. A. (2018). Galaxy HiCExplorer: a web server for reproducible Hi-C data analysis, quality control and visualization. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(W1), W11-W16. DOI

Xiao L., Hervé M. R., Carrillo J., Ding J. & Huang W. (2018). Latitudinal trends in growth, reproduction and defense of an invasive plant. Biological Invasions, on line. DOI