Canard Elsa

Canard Elsa

Team: Ecology and Genetics of Insects<br /> <br> Phone: (+33) 2 23 23 51 52<br/> <a href=""></a>

Research scientist at INRAE Rennes, France

Website :

Contact address

UMR1349 IGEPP - Institut de Génétique, Environnement et Protection des Plantes - INRAE - Agrocampus Ouest - Université Rennes 1
Equipe EGI - Ecologie et Génétique des Insectes

INRAE - IGEPP - Bât.320
Domaine de la Motte
35650 Le Rheu, FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2 23 48 51 52

Agrocampus Ouest - ESP Bât.4
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc
35042 Rennes, FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2 23 48 58 54

Research interests and expertise

I am a biologist especially interested in the functioning of ecological interaction networks.  While I studied the emergence of network structure and the consequences for pathogen transmission, my recent research focuses on trophic network involving arthropods associated with crop plants as pests or natural enemies of pests. I am particularly into NGS of agricultural communities and variation in network structure.

Current and recent activities

ARENA – “Anticiper les REgulations NAturelles”
Casdar fundings- 2017-2020
ARENA aims to assess the role of beneficial insects – natural ennemies – in controlling pests in crops. ARENAWebsite

MIRAAC -“Microbiotes Intestinaux et Régime Alimentaire des Auxiliaires Carabiques”
SPE fundings – 2017-2018
The goal of MIRAAC is to assess the reciprocal effect of gut microbiotes and diet for beneficial and opportunistic carabid populations in crops.

NGB -“Next Generation Biomonitoring of change in ecosystem structure and function”
ANR fundings – 2017-2020
The goal of NGB is to develop and test a generic next generation biomonitoring approach that will improve the detection of ecosystem-wide change, using a combination of Next-Generation Sequenced DNA data and Machine Learning. NGBWebsite


  • 2015-now, Permanent position (CR2) with INRAE, Rennes

Community and molecular ecology of insects in agroecosystems – Exploring the trophic interactions between pest and their natural ennemies in crops.
Lab: IGEPP – Institute of Genetics, Environmental Sciences & Plant Protection.
Team: EGI – Ecology et Genetics of Insects.

  • 2013-2015, Post-doc with the CNRS & IRD, Montpellier

Biodiversity loss, epidemy & network structure – Modeling aquatic trophic networks & epidemiology.
Lab: MIVEGEC – Maladies Infectieuses et Vecteurs Écologie, Génétique, Évolution et Contrôle (Labex CEBA).
Team: DySMI – Dynamique des Systèmes et Maladies Infectieuses.

  • 2012, Post-doc with the CIRAD, Martinique

Agrosystems, pest control and network structure – Modeling terrestrian trophic networks.
Lab: PRAM – Unité de recherche système de culture bananiers, plantain et ananas.
With Dr. Philippe Tixier and Gregory Mollot.

  • 2008-2011, PhD with the UM2 & CNRS, Montpellier

Neutrality and space in ecological interaction networks – Modeling interaction networks.
Labs: Evolutionary Community Ecology team, at ISE-M & Fish Diversity and Ecology team at ECOSYM  (Ecology of Coastal Marine Systems) in Montpellier & Université du Québec à Rimouski UQAR in Canada.
E, Guichard F, Mouquet N (2011). Persistence Increases with Diversity and Connectance in Trophic Metacommunities. PLoS One 6(5).

Poisot T, Canard E, Mouquet N, Hochberg ME (2012). A comparative study of ecological specialization estimators. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3(3): 537-544.

Poisot T, Canard E, Mouillot D, Mouquet N, Gravel D (2012). The dissimilarity of species interaction networks. Ecology Letters 15(12): 1353-1361.

Canard E, Mouquet N, Marescot L, Gaston KJ, Gravel D, Mouillot D (2012). Emergence of Structural Patterns in Neutral Trophic Networks. PLoS ONE 7(8).

Hauzy, C, Nadin, G, Canard, E, Gounand, I, Mouquet, N, Ebenman, B (2013). Confronting the Paradox of Enrichment to the Metacommunity Perspective. PLoS ONE 8(12)

Canard E, Mouquet M, Mouillot D, Stanko M, Miklisova D, Gravel D (2014). Empirical evaluation of neutral interactions in host-parasite networks. The American Naturalist, 183 (4) 468–479

Mollot, G, Duyck, PF, Canard, E, Lescourret, F, Martin, JF, Priry, S, Tixier, P, (2014) Cover cropping alters the diet of ground-dwelling predators in a banana plantation: a metabarcoding approach, PLoS One, 9(4).

Gounand, I, Mouquet, N, Canard, E, Hauzy, C, Guichard, F, Gravel, D (2014) The Paradox of Enrichment in Metaecosystems, The American Naturalist,184(6): 752-63.

Dassou, AG, Depigny, S, Canard, E, Vinatier, F, Carval, D, Tixier, P (2016) Contrasting effects of plant diversity across arthropods trophic groups in plantain-based agroecosystems, Basic and Applied Ecology, 17: 11-20.

García-Peña, GE, Garchitorena, A, Carolan, K, Canard, E, Prieur-Richard, AH,  Suzán, G, Mills, JN, Roche, B, Guégan, JF (2016) Niche-based host extinction increases prevalence of an environmentally acquired pathogen, Oikos, doi:10.1111/oik.02700

Reviewer for scientific reviews (Oikos, Ecology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society B).

Scientific Communications

Canard, E, Plantegenest, M (2017) Réseaux trophiques des arthropodes et services écosystémiques dans les agroécosystèmes, Gen2Bio, Nantes, France (Invité).
Canard, E, Guégan, JF, Roche, B (2014) Multi-host pathogen and structure of host community, ESA Annual meeting, Sacramento, California, USA.
Canard, E, Krasnov, BR, Poulin, R, Gravel, D, Mouquet, N, & Mouillot, D, (2012) Spatial patterns of beta diversity in neutral food webs, Web of Life, Montpellier, France (Invité).
Canard, E, Maresco, L, Gravel, D, Mouquet, N, Mouillot, D (2010) Food web complexity in neutral networks, ESA Annual meeting, Pittsburg, USA.

Canard, E, Guégan, JF, Roche, B (2014) Infectious pathogen in trophic transmission networks, BES-SFE Meeting, Lille, France.
Canard, E, Massol, F, Pointier, J-P, David, P, Jarne, P (2008) Habitat mediates coexistence between native and introduced species in the freshwater molluscan community of Guadeloupe, Petit Pois Déridé, Rennes, France.

Setting up international scientific event
Chairman of the organizing committee et co-chairman of the scientific committee of the 18th European Carabidologist Meeting (18ECM), at Agrocampus Ouest Rennes, September 24-29 2017.


Food webs, modeling, epidemiology, interaction networks, neutral theory, abundance distribution, species coexistence, demography, population genetic, host-parasite